
Thursday, 8 July 2021

Tihoni Of Digital Footprint

 Hi guys my name is Tihoni and we a learning obout digital footprint, so what ever you go on, what you  watch, what you type and what you google up.

Monday, 28 June 2021

Moon - Four Facts

HI!! guys I learnt about the moon, hope you like the facts.

Wednesday, 23 June 2021

Reasherch About The Sun

 Hi guys so ive been learning about the sun and some facts about what the sun looks like.

Monday, 21 June 2021

Four Facts About Our Sun

          HI guys so i have been learning about the sun so i puted 4 facts about our sun so hope you like  the facts.

Wednesday, 16 June 2021

My Planet Earth and Beyond Rap

  I made this rap about four planets on garage band. (HOPE YOU LIKE IT)

Monday, 17 May 2021

Tuesday, 16 March 2021



Article - The Animal Kingdom

The Animal Kingdom


Highlight the correct answer for each question.


1. How many species of animals are there in the Animal Kingdom?

a) One Thousand                                                     b) One Hundred 

 c) Over a Million                                                     d) Over a Billion

2. How many different Kingdoms are there in the Natural World?

a) three             b) five

c) ten   d) six

3.True or False? The word ‘classification’ means grouping things together that are alike. 

  1. False          b) True


4. True or False? The Animal Kingdom is the third largest Kingdom in the Natural World. 

  1. True                 b) False

5. ‘Invertebrates’ are animals that don’t have 

  1. a tail                 b) an exoskeleton

      c)  any eyes                         d) a backbone

6.. An example of an ‘invertebrate’ are

  1. worms                                       b) slugs

      c) spiders                                       d) All of the above

7. What does the word ‘exoskeleton’ mean? 

  1. A human skeleton                    b) a hard outer casing or shell

      c)   Halloween                                  d) a type of animal

8. ‘Vertebrates’ are animals that

  1. Have a Backbone     b) live in outer space

      c)   Have an exoskeleton              d) are actually plants

9. An example of a ‘vertebrate’ is 

a) a slug                                      b) a spider

c) an insect                                           d) a human

10) What was the article about? Which fact interested you the most? Why? 

→The article was about animals and insects.

I liked the part about the reptiles because I like Crocodiles.


Four Facts Animal Kingdom

Task description: Today we are learning all about the animal kingdom. For this task I had to find out facts about the differnt animals in the animal kingdom. 


Monday, 22 February 2021

A Moment I To The Pools

 This one time I went swimming with my family and we went on christmas day to Hamilton and went to the pools. First we went to the waterpaerk and I went on the big slide  and I was floating and at the end i hit my head. Next I went to the deep pools and tried to see who can hold their breath the longest and my consin  who won. Finally we could eat doritos and drink  refresh: my tummy was full