The pyramids of Egypt are among the largest structures ever built and are one of the most important examples of ancient Egyptian civilization. The ancient Egyptians built pyramids as tombs for the pharaohs and there queens. The pharaohs were buried in pyramids of different sizes the pyramids were built between
"A class of children are sitting on the mat laughter." "This is me in kindergarten." "Says George" And this is me exclaims Harold.""George and I aren't friends yet." "But we're about to be the teacher begins writing on the board." "And says." the seventh planet from the sun is called uranus George and Harold burst into laughter." The teacher quickly turns to glare at the boys.''Turning back to the board she says scientists George looks over to Harold." Ur.....Anus laughs Harold I know... continues George laughing at Harold.'' ''The teacher turns and coughs hrmm hrmmm she continues speaing as she wites on the board.'' Know as a gas giant hahahahahah laugh the boys hystericully.''
Out on the field we played Aussie Rules Football.
While we played the weather was cold and windy.
We learnt how to drop punt the ball.
Our class played over the river and my team won.
Kiwisport is fun and I can't wait for next week.